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Counting Principles - Charlotte at 5 years of age

This presentation is a resource produced by Louise Hodgson, a Community leader, for the Connect with Maths Early Learning in Mathematics online community.

It shows Charlotte at age 5 years demonstrating her understanding of counting principles and early additive thinking.

Her understanding of the Principles of Counting: touching, naming numbers touched in a conventional order. The documentation is from a 4 part presentation showing the progression of learning from 2 years to 5 years of age.


Principles of Counting

  • Each object to be counted must be touched or ‘included’ exactly once as the numbers are said.
  • The numbers must be said once and always in the conventional order.
  • The objects can be touched in any order and the starting point and order in which the objects are counted doesn’t affect how many there are.
  • The arrangement of the objects doesn’t affect how many there are.
  • The last number said tells ‘how many’ in the whole collection, it does not describe the last object touched
  • Watch the following videos of Charlotte counting  at  5 years of age
  • Discuss what counting principles Charlotte is exhibiting
  • What impact to your pedagogy will occur for early learning settings?