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How do I join the Engaging All Students community?
Step 1 Login and Register
Here are some steps to help you join the Engaging All Students community. The AAMT system will recognise you as a Connect with Maths member if you have already joined the Maths in Action or Early Years Learning in Mathematics community so you can use the same username and password. The Login or Register page allows you to perform both actions, that is, to register to the Engaging All Students community or each time you return to login to the community.
To join the community you will need to register at the Engaging All Students community website by clicking on this weblink.
This will be the same screen you come to login in the next time you wish to see the discussion for the new Starting Point in the Forum, participate in community activities or access community resources.
Step 2: Key in your username and password
It is best to use your email address and to create a password which has a combination of the alphabet, numbers, uppercase and symbols. Keep your password secure at all times. You may change your password at any time.
If you forget your password you need to click on "Forget your Password" weblink.
Step 3: Fill in your profile details
If you are new to Connect with Maths or creating a new account you will fill in your profile details. This enables the Connect with Maths team to inform and target members of new activity and events. You must fill in these details to access the Forum where discussion takes place amongst community members. You will also have access to the resources contributed by members. Community membership and access to resources are FREE.