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We welcome resources to build the knowledge bank of the community.  Members can share the resources in two ways: either by providing a weblink in the Forum area of the community website, or by sending the resource electronically to the Connect with Maths team at connectwithmaths@aamt.edu.au 

AAMT Policy on Digital Learning and Mathematics

AAMT Policy on Digital Learning and Mathematics


Activities will include member shared Teacher Showcase, Maths Mob activities and those provided through online professional learning.


Weblinks are member shared online links to resources to support the teaching of mathematics and relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education.


The Curriculum section of this community website will house documents and weblinks related to  the Australian Curriculum and the General Capabilities Intercultural Understanding and other resources to support teachers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Teaching Standards

More Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teaching Initiative (MATSITI)  provide discussion on teaching standards from Indigenous perspectives.


The following are action research and papers presented at conferences concerned with improving the mathematical outcomes of Indigenous learners