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Odds and evens

Load L1064 Musical number patterns: odds and evens. Log in and click on <Start>.

At the top of the page is the pattern that must be created. For example, it may be "all the numbers are odd".

The start number is given. Select the counting number by clicking on the <?> box and choosing one of the numbers shown. If the choice is incorrect, choose another counting number.

By clicking on <Next rule>, a second number pattern can be created. Play the two number patterns by clicking on <Play>.

To make another pair of patterns, click on <Restart> and then <Yes>.

The challenges get quite interesting. If the starting number is given instead of the counting number, the pattern created may be alternating even and odd numbers. Students have to do a lot of explaining here!

Two number lines with all numbers marked. On the first, there are highlights at 1 and then every third number. On the second, there are highlights at 1 and then every fifth number.

Screen grab from L1064 Musical number patterns: odds and evens.
© Education Services Australia, 2011

The musical patterns made by playing two number patterns together are always repeating. Explaining them can be tricky too.