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Make It Count: Maths and Indigenous Learners

Make It Count is for educators working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners in mathematics education. It is a teaching and learning resource, and a professional learning tool.

Make It Count is about a way of thinking – and a way of doing.

It offers pathways, possibilities and ideas for schools and professional learning communities to make their own inroads and innovations into improving mathematics and numeracy learning outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners.


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This resource is based on the work of eight clusters of schools throughout regional and urban Australia. These cluster spent 2009-2012 developing programs and practices to improve the mathematics outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

About the clusters

Each cluster had a specific inquiry or research question. Being specific and honing in a particular area for investigation was essential - going deeper was better than going wider.

Cluster findings

The Make It Count Cluster Findings were developed over time and are organised to reflect the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement.


The resources developed by Make It Count will help schools working at the intersection of Indigenous education and mathematics education. Resources include tools for collecting data, units of learning designed by our creative and innovative educators, and professional reading.

How to use this website

Discover pathways, strategies, tools and resources to help you, your school and community improve the mathematics and numeracy outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners.