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About the clusters

mic cluster map2 AlbertonDharugGladstoneHealesvilleNerangNoarlungaOrangeSwan

Each cluster had a specific inquiry or research question. Being specific and honing in a particular area for investigation was essential - going deeper was better than going wider.

The eight clusters of schools worked as professional learning communities to develop whole-school, sustainable practices and processes that would make a difference.

Generally, each cluster had a specific inquiry or research question. This allowed for the development of the Cluster Findings. These Cluster Findings have been organised to reflect the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement.

1. Alberton

This Cluster's focus was on the role of mathematisation and contextualisation in developing mathematical resilience and promoting transfer of learning among Aboriginal students.

2. Dharug

The Dharug cluster focused on the early years of schooling and developing cultural identity through mathematics.

3. Gladstone

This Cluster looked at engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in  investigative learning in mathematics to keep students engaged in the middle years of schooling.

4. Healesville

Healesville developed a staged response to upskill teachers to meet the needs and provide programs for Aboriginal students who from a wide range in  academic performance. This included the development of cultural competency of teachers, and 'front loading' students.

5. Nerang

Nerang focused on developing middle managers working at the intersection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and mathematics education.

6. Noarlunga

The Noarlunga Cluster's focus question was: can we improve mathematics / numeracy for Aboriginal Primary Years students through using the highly scaffolded pedagogy of Accelerated Literacy and developing a sequence of lesson based on “Big Ideas in Number”?

7. Orange

Orange focussed on the development of explicit pedagogy through professional learning in deep mathematical knowledge and embedding '8ways of Aboriginal learning'.

8. Swan

The cluster had a number of focus areas including the development of the language of mathematics and professional learning of Aboriginal education officers and education assistants in mathematics.