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Unit D4: Monday Maths Mob

Early Years: Kindergarten Number and Algebra, Dani Upton, Hebersham PS, Dharug Cluster

Our Monday Maths Mob program aims to develop our students’ early numeracy skills as well as increase their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture.

Following the Make It Count Conference (Sydney, March 2012) I have chosen to include aspects of the 8ways of learning (Orange Cluster). Dr Tyson Yunkaporta from the Orange cluster raised the notion of finding maths in the culture rather that finding the culture in the maths. Furthermore, he explained that embedding Aboriginal culture in our teaching must be authentic and not tokenistic. Using the ‘8ways of learning’ I aim to embed the non-tangible aspects of Aboriginal culture in Maths Mob planning.

Download Unit D4 Overview: Monday Maths Mob (DOCX 247kB).

Click below to download lessons in Smartboard notebooks. You will require the following software to view the notebooks: Interactive Viewer for Mac or Interactive Viewer for Windows.
