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Making a parabola with spaghetti (pdf)

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Making a parabola with spaghetti (doc)

download msword Download 165.50 kB

Curves from straight lines (pdf)

download pdf Download 96.73 kB

Curves from straight lines (doc)

download msword Download 131.00 kB

Paper folding a parabola (pdf)

download pdf Download 63.73 kB

Paper folding a parabola (doc)

download msword Download 72.50 kB

Drawing a parabola (pdf)

download pdf Download 95.49 kB

Drawing a parabola (doc)

download msword Download 76.00 kB

Featured resource


Every radio telescope has the same shape dish. This shape is called a paraboloid, a three dimensional shape formed by rotating a parabola around its axis of symmetry. We have collected some different ways of constructing parabolas:

...and of course teachers may want to highlight that graphs of quadratic functions are parabolas, too!