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The Australian Mathematics Teacher
An Investigation of Palindromes And Their Place In Mathematics, by Nivens, R. (AMT 2013) |
Student Understandings Of Numeracy Problems: Semanic Alignment And Analogical Reasoning, by Davis, J. (AMT 2013) |
Selecting Proportional Reasoning Tasks, by de la Cruz, J. (AMT 2013) |
Hands-On Triangles, by de Mestre, N. (AMT 2013) |
Supporting Students To Make Judgements Using Real-Life Data, by Blagdanic, C.; Chinnappan, M. (AMT 2013) |
Using Meaninful Contexts To Promote Understanding Of Pronumerals, by Linsell, C.; Cavanagh, M.; Tahir, S. (AMT 2013) |
Classroom Ideas The General Case Of The 'Monty Hall' Problem, by Robinson, R. (AMT 2013) |
Mathematical Giftedness A Creative Scenario, by Sharma, Y. (AMT 2013) |
Discovery Counting Shapes, by de Mestre, N. (AMT 2013) |
Classroom Ideas Using Multiplication Grids Within Algebra, by Maenpaa, M. (AMT 2013) |
Linking Models Reasoning From Patterns To Tables And Equations, by Switzer, J. (AMT 2013) |
Mathematics and Numeracy: Has anything changed? Are we any clearer? Are we on track?, by Hogan, J. (AMT 2012) |
Cactus, by Hyde, H. (AMT 2010) |
Cactus, by Hyde, H.; Spencer, T. (AMT 2010) |
Finding the general term for an arithmetic progression: Alternatives to the formula, by Yeo, J. (AMT 2010) |
Leaning on Socrates to derive the Pythagorean theorem, by Percy, A.; Carr, A. (AMT 2010) |
Discovery, by de Mestre, N. (AMT 2010) |
A complex plot, by Scott, P. (AMT 2010) |
Pascal's triangle: 100% of the numbers are even!, by Bhindi, N.; McMenamin, J. (AMT 2010) |
Streaming for mathematics in Victorian secondary schools, by Forgasz, H. (AMT 2010) |
Reflections on resources, by Moule, C. (AMT 2010) |
Supporting "out-of field" teachers of secondary mathematics, by Vale, C. (AMT 2010) |
Cactus, by Hyde, H.; Spencer, T. (AMT 2010) |
Discovery, by de Mestre, N. (AMT 2010) |
Managing cognitive load in the mathematics classroom, by Chinnappan, M.; Chandler, P. (AMT 2010) |