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The Australian Mathematics Teacher

Quantitative literacy in the media: an arena for problem solving, by Watson, J.M. (AMT 2004)
The Swiss Event at the University of Canberra Maths Day, by Clark, D.; Brooks, M. (AMT 2004)
A Difficult Function, by Brown, J. (AMT 2004)
Classroom computer algebra: Some issues and approaches, by Arnold, S. (AMT 2004)
Creating tesselations with pavement chalk: Implementing best practices in mathematics, by Furner, J.M.; Goodman, B.; Meeks, S. (AMT 2004)
Credit Card Mathematics, by Wood, E. (AMT 2004)
Paul Erdšs, by Monroe, H.; Scott, P. (AMT 2004)
What is all this lifelong learning stuff?, by Perso, T. (AMT 2004)
Exploring Concepts in Probability Using Graphics Calculators, by Ghosh, J. (AMT 2004)
Exploring Mathematical Patterns Using Dynamic Geometry Software, by Shriki, A.; Lavy, I. (AMT 2004)
Mathematical Gossip: Relevance and Context in the Mathematics Classroom, by Callingham, R. (AMT 2004)
Simple Strategies for Dealing with Data, by Chick, H. (AMT 2004)
Sparking Interest in Trigonometry, by Quinlan, C. (AMT 2004)
Early Concepts of Number and Counting, by Box, K.; Scott, P. (AMT 2004)
Formal Definitions in Mathematics, by Shield, M. (AMT 2004)
Fractions and Decimals, by Pagni, D. (AMT 2004)
ICMI Study 16, by Taylor, P. (AMT 2004)
Pentimals, or why 10 is a better base than 5, by White, P. (AMT 2004)
Why does 0.999É=1? A perennial question and number sense, by Beswick, K. (AMT 2004)
Comparing the games we play in the classroom, by Flewelling, G. (AMT 2005)
John Napier, by Bryant, K.; Scott, P. (AMT 2005)
Library Planning and Design: Lessons in Mathematics, by Fitzallen, N. (AMT 2005)
Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Years: Is Middle Schooling Necessary?, by Perso, T. (AMT 2005)
The Pyramid Collection, by Neville, G. (AMT 2005)
Using Technology to Introduce LInear Equation Solving at Year 9, by Mulvogue, K. (AMT 2005)

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