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The Australian Mathematics Teacher
Area of Lattice Polygons, by Scott, P. (AMT 2006) |
Coin on a Chessboard, by Turner, P. (AMT 2006) |
Harry Potter and the cryptography with matrices, by Chua, B.L. (AMT 2006) |
Population growth rates: Connecting mathematics to studies of society and the environment, by Nisbet, S.; Hurley, G.; Weldon, E. (AMT 2006) |
Work patterns and stressors of experienced and novice mathematics teachers, by Forgasz, H.; Leder, G. (AMT 2006) |
Algebra students' difficulty with fractions: An error analysis, by Brown, G.; Quinn, R.J. (AMT 2006) |
Convex lattice polygons, by Scott, P. (AMT 2006) |
The importance of mathematics teachers' beliefs, by Beswick, K. (AMT 2006) |
Why teachers matter, by Goos, M. (AMT 2006) |
An Evaluation of Two Computer Mathematics Programmes, by Power, C; McBryde, B. (AMT 1978) |
Geometry for the Secondary School (Part 2), by Moalem, D. (AMT 1978) |
Group Theory Take Home Test and An Answer, by Hobson, P. (AMT 1978) |
Not Mathematics EDUCATION, not MATHEMATICS education but MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (Part 2), by Galbraith, P.L. (AMT 1978) |
The Quiet Revolution in Mathematics (Part 2), by Elkins, J. (AMT 1978) |
Waiting Times: Fibonacci Again, by Hille, J.W.; McPherson, E. (AMT 1978) |
A Constructive Approach to Junior Geometry, by Scott, P.R. (AMT 1978) |
Tessellations, by Lightfoot, J. (AMT 1978) |
The Rainbow Angle, by Sims, B. (AMT 1978) |
Evaluation of History of Mathematics Materials, by Koop, A.; Fraser, B.J. (AMT 1978) |
Solving Word Problems by Guessing, by Straley, H.W. (AMT 1978) |
Some Comments on the Teaching of Long Division, by Hoffman, N. (AMT 1978) |
The Future of Microprocessors, by Rowe, J. (AMT 1978) |
From Jigsaws to the Impossible, by Scott, P.R. (AMT 1978) |
New Mathematics in Australia: What Happened and Why?, by Nisbet, S. (AMT 1978) |
Outdoor Mathematics Project in Tasmania, by Anderson, K. (AMT 1978) |