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The Australian Mathematics Teacher

The Assessment Tail should not be wagging the Pedagogical Dog, by Karmelita, W. (AMT 1987)
What to Assess when Assessing Problem Solving, by Stacey, K. (AMT 1987)
Adding X to Y, by MacGregor, M.E. (AMT 1987)
Discovering Newton Three Hundred Years Later, by Baker, J. (AMT 1987)
Fractions and Their Division, by Paterman, N.A. (AMT 1987)
Mathematics and Sport, by de Mestre, N. (AMT 1987)
Modelling - Teaching Modelling, by Galbraith, P. (AMT 1987)
Thoughts on mathematical education and some enrichment classes in North Sydney, by Gagen, T. (AMT 1987)
Computers and Mathematics, by Mack, J. (AMT 1987)
Data Analysis, Sampling and Simulation for the Classroom, by Bloom, L.; McDougall, D. (AMT 1988)
Investigations of Exemplary Teaching in Australian Mathematics Classes, by Tobin, K.; Fraser, B. (AMT 1988)
Make a Date with '88, by Coupland, M. (AMT 1988)
Mathematical Studies - Another Chance for Success, by Maher, A. (AMT 1988)
Maths Teaching can be Relevant: Mathematical problems in NC Programming, by Chandler, P.; Waldro, R.; Hesketh, B. (AMT 1988)
Process Approach to Mathematics - Whence and Whither?, by McIntosh, A. (AMT 1988)
Countdown to the International Mathematical Olympiad, by Galvin, B. (AMT 1988)
FASTS Reports to its Education Sector Members, by Widdup, D. (AMT 1988)
Getting the Teaching of Algebra Right, by Milton, K. (AMT 1988)
Some Interesting Ratios when using MacDraw, by Czernezkyj, V. (AMT 1988)
Towards a Better marking scheme, by Scott, J.T. (AMT 1988)
Using Pocket Computers in the Mathematics Classroom, by Taffe, J. (AMT 1988)
Early Childhood Mathematics, by Coombs, K. (AMT 1988)
Generalisations of Pascal's Triangle, by Steller, E.T. (AMT 1988)
Geometry in the Computer Age, by Scott, P. (AMT 1988)
Quadratic Equations Origins, Development and Use, by McQualter, J.W. (AMT 1988)

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