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The Australian Mathematics Teacher

The Functional Role of Shapes, by Leeson, N. (AMT 1985)
A4 Paper - A Cheap Tool for Geometry, by Grace, N. (AMT 1985)
ACEC 85 A View from the Classroom, by Fergusson, A. (AMT 1985)
Calculators, by Meiklejohn, G. (AMT 1985)
Do our Arrows hit their mark?, by Truran, J. (AMT 1985)
Maths Week Works!, by Prokop, J. (AMT 1985)
Numeracy: What, Why, How?, by Brinkworth, P. (AMT 1985)
School Mathematics in the 1990's - An ICMI Study, by Howson, A.G.; Nebres, B.F.; Wilson, B.J. (AMT 1985)
What to do when you're stuck! Notes for a Workshop, by Mason, J.H. (AMT 1985)
Challenges for Change: Keynote Addresses at the 1986 AAMT Conference, by Taffe, J. (AMT 1986)
From Catechism to Communication: Language, Learning and Mathematics, by Boomer, G. (AMT 1986)
Some Limitations of a Calculator or Computer, by O'Neill, M.J. (AMT 1986)
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in a Multicultural Classroom - Guidelines for Teachers, by Dawe, L (AMT 1986)
Another Plea for a Consistent Approach to Symbolism, by Kent, L. (AMT 1986)
Decision Mathematics - A Rich Source of Real Problems, by Berry, J. (AMT 1986)
Mathematics and Parents, by Stephens, M.; Carss, M. (AMT 1986)
Pythagorean Triangles and their circles, by Shearer, C.; Scott, P. (AMT 1986)
Technology: A Challenge to Mathematics Teaching for Lower Secondary, by Wilcox, J.F. (AMT 1986)
A Fresh Look at Fruit Salad Algebra, by MacGregor, M.E. (AMT 1986)
An improved Mathematics Education Program for Pre-Service Primary Teachers, by Watson, J.M. (AMT 1986)
Difficulties in Algebra, by Booth, L.R. (AMT 1986)
Moessner-Long Sieves, by Shannon, A.G. (AMT 1986)
Moving into Algebra: Developing the Concepts of Variable and Function, by Briggs, J.; Demana, F.; Osborne, A. (AMT 1986)
Problems in Presenting Quadratics as a Unifying Topic, by MacDonald, T.H. (AMT 1986)
A New Journal! Well... Maybe, or A National Focus for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in the Post Compulsory Years of Education, by Pegg, J. (AMT 1986)

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